
buy, you DO have a tigress in your tank! When aroused, "she disturbs the attempt to concentrate by whispering absurd notions in his ear, spoils the day with a vague, unpleasant sensation of something wrong, or haunts his sleep with seductive visions."

So, Doctor, what do we do about this feminine time- bomb? Anyone, he says, who learns something of her will have gained both knowledge of himself and of the forces which activate other human beings. Only a certain number of people can do this, and even so, something of her "remains shrouded in mystery in the dark realm of the collective unconscious. A man, by accepting and learning to know his anima, may develop his intuition or his feeling, but he cannot possess himself of those quali- ties which are projected onto goddesses. They may be present but they cannot be called up just when he desires.' To get to know her, "the first step is "objectivation" of her, that is, the strict refusal to regard the trend (of her drives) as a weakness of one's own. Only when this has been done can one face her with the question "why do you want this?" To put the question in this personal way has the great advantage of recognizing the anima as a person- ality, and of making a relationship possible. The more personally she is taken the better. To anyone accustomed to proceed purely intellectually and rationally, this may seem altogether too ridiculous. " Jung then explains in detail the contrast between the every-day world and the spirit world of the unconcious, and how we stand with one foot in each. He goes on, "I mean this as an actual technique. We know that practically everyone has not only the peculiarity, but also the faculty, of holding a conversation with himself..... The art of it only consists in allowing our invisible opponent to make herself heard, in putting the mechanism of expression momentarily at her disposal, without being overcome-- -by doubts as to the genuineness of her voice... only in moments of over- whelming affectiveness can she reach the surface. The inevitable symptom is that the ego momentarily identi- fies with these utterances, only to revoke them in the same breath.. often they seem very strange and daring." Poor soul, he never seems to have learned the "over- whelming affectiveness" of a wig and heels; or that the sight of furs brings out the anima, drooling like one of Pavlov's dogs! (If she's been properly brought up, that is).